Showing posts with label Life Painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life Painting. Show all posts

Sunday, March 12, 2017

A collection of Sara Streeter Works

Sara Streeter Session 1/16/2016
25 Min. from Life
24" X 36"
Charcoal on Paper

Sara Streeter Session 1/23/2016
2 Hrs. from Life
24" X 36"
Charcoal on Paper

Sara Streeter Session 9/6/2016
25 Min. from Life
24" X 36"
Charcoal on Paper

Sara Streeter Session 1/14/2017
2 Hrs. from Life
18" X 24"
Charcoal on Paper

Sara Streeter Session 1/24/2017
5 Min. from Life
18" X 24"
Charcoal on Paper

Sara Streeter Session 2/08/2017
2 Hrs. from Life
13" X 15"
Oil on Canvas

Sara Streeter Session 11/03/2016
20 Min. from Life
24" X 36"
Charcoal on Paper

Sara Streeter is a quite a legendary figure model in the L.A. area. She is the standard candle of art models, in my humble opinion. Collected here are various works completed over the last year or so. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Untitled #311

Untitled #311
12" X 16"
Oil on Paper

Another 2 hour study painted from life. I've really grown fond of working in a monochromatic form with these 2 hour poses. It saves a bit of time not having to spend a lot of the pose mixing as is the case when working with color. Also, you can cover so much ground with paint in such a short amount of time, and the length of the pose allows for some accuracy. So this approach is a nice mixture of both drawing and painting. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Danielle Seated

Danielle Seated
12" X 16"
Oil on Canvas

This 3 Hr. life study was painted on an untoned canvas. Typically I enjoy working on a toned canvas while doing studies like this from life as they afford some forgiveness in terms of coverage. 

When working on such a stark surface you have to work a bit more diligently to make sure that the paint connects so that bright canvas gaps don't show up in-between strokes that have been laid down. To accommodate for this I usually load the brush full of paint while attempting to describe forms with as few strokes as possible. 

This approach to painting is called 'economy of means' by many, and more than a few of my favorite artists worked in this manner. There is kind of elegant simplicity to it when thing work out well.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Camille Seated

Camille Seated
12" X 16"
Oil on Canvas

This is a four hour Alla Prima painting from life completed last year at Angels Gate. I used quite a few very large brushes throughout the painting. Especially in the background. Using these can be a bit tricky sometime as it is a very simple thing to ruin prior carefully laid in strokes.