Monday, March 2, 2015

Monochrome Female Head Study

Monochrome Female Head Study 01
9" X 12"
Oil on Paper

I've just opened up a Gallery on* and this is the first painting I've posted there. It's a 2 hour study completed last year as part of a daily painting exercise and I'll be posting more work over the coming year or so.

I'm not currently represented in the "Gallery World" as I've been working full-time commercially for over the last 15 years very much under the radar. I made my first portfolio website back in the late 90s and took it down in late 2003. So I've been missing in action in a public way for quite some time. I haven't even really been on social media at all either. I started a Facebook page some years ago but that was mainly just to do research for a commercial project. I've really had my nose to the grindstone for a long time without taking much time to look around or self promote my work. So I imagine some visitors have come here and said to themselves, 'Who is this guy?'. For those that have I've added a bit more biographical info* at my DailyPaintWorks gallery.

*My online Gallery is currently closed to further purchases as of April 2015. Although I may reopen it at some point in the future.

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