Showing posts with label Joshua Retreat Center. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joshua Retreat Center. Show all posts

Friday, April 17, 2015

Untitled #238

Untitled #238
24" X 36"
Charcoal on Paper

I completed this drawing from life at the Joshua Retreat Center in about 40 min. last year. It was nice to have the extra time to fill in some detail related to the model's surroundings. Although details of the setting can sometimes diminish the timeless quality that nude figure drawing can evoke. 

The inclusion of setting details tends to put a definitive time and place stamp on a work which I don't always find necessary or desired, but of course these can be fun sometimes. Granted, it's difficult to completely escape the clues of time and place in a work, but I think that implied timelessness is one of the most endearing aspects to working in this tradition. There are no changing fashions of clothing or styles of architecture present. Just the human body, as it has been, for hundreds of thousands of years (give or a take few tattoos on the model).  ; )

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Untitled #132

Untitled #132
18" X 24"
Charcoal on Paper

This 20 minute drawing was completed at the Joshua Retreat Center in Joshua Tree, CA. They are kind enough at the center to allow for a local group of artists to get together and draw from the model. It's a beautiful setting that was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright with construction overseen and completed by his son.