Showing posts with label 4 hour session. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4 hour session. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Untitled #202

Untitled #202
12" X 16"
Oil on Canvas

Studio 117B in San Gabriel, CA. has workshops on Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons that feature models in long poses. This portrait is from one of those sessions and was completed in nearly four hours.

Garrett; the facilitator of the studio - is a smart, generous, and all around great guy who has gone to considerable length in creating a wonderful studio set-up for visiting artists.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Sara Streeter Portrait

Sara Streeter Portrait
14" X 18"
Oil on Canvas

This portrait of Sara Streeter will be a part of a group gallery show on display at the Angels Gate Cultural Center February 8 - March 27, 2015. It was completed Alla-Prima from life in about 4 hours last fall. 

She modeled on her birthday, on a Saturday morning, and stood for a four hour pose. The woman is a pro.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Untitled #176

Untitled #176
16" X 20"
Oil on Canvas

This painting was completed Alla-Prima in about four hours. I typically don't use such a warm ground underneath the work, but I like the way it worked out here. It brings out the neutral blue used in the surrounding background nicely.  

My working method is pretty evident in the way I handled the subjects left ear. It's merely suggested with a couple of blunt strokes. Although I was quite suggestive in this way, I was careful to check the drawing of this painting in a mirror several times during the working session. Straight on views of the head can easily go askew if attention to bi-symmetry isn't given careful consideration.