Showing posts with label 24" X 36". Show all posts
Showing posts with label 24" X 36". Show all posts

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Daily Figure 4-28-15

Daily Figure 4-28-15
24" X 36"
Charcoal on Paper

I've been fairly verbose in describing many of my posts up to now, but I feel at this point that much of my working process has been described in fairly good detail. So much so, that I've had to look back through earlier posts to make sure I'm not repeating myself. Given this, I'm going to be much more to the point in describing the work I post unless there is some new information that is worthy of adding. Thanks for looking, and reading.

This 25 min. drawing was completed as part of a daily figure drawing routine. 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Untitled #270

Untitled #270
24" X 36"
Charcoal on Paper

This 20 min. drawing was completed as part of a daily figure drawing routine. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Earth Day Cowgirl

Earth Day Cowgirl
24" X 36"
Charcoal on Paper

Cowgirl, my cat of 15 years, was kind enough to pose like a french girl for Earth Day. ; )

Friday, April 17, 2015

Untitled #238

Untitled #238
24" X 36"
Charcoal on Paper

I completed this drawing from life at the Joshua Retreat Center in about 40 min. last year. It was nice to have the extra time to fill in some detail related to the model's surroundings. Although details of the setting can sometimes diminish the timeless quality that nude figure drawing can evoke. 

The inclusion of setting details tends to put a definitive time and place stamp on a work which I don't always find necessary or desired, but of course these can be fun sometimes. Granted, it's difficult to completely escape the clues of time and place in a work, but I think that implied timelessness is one of the most endearing aspects to working in this tradition. There are no changing fashions of clothing or styles of architecture present. Just the human body, as it has been, for hundreds of thousands of years (give or a take few tattoos on the model).  ; )

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Daily Charcoal Figure Study

Daily Figure Study
24" X 36"
Charcoal on Paper

This is a 20 min. daily figure study from this morning. Quick, fun, and straightforward. For some reason I always feel the need to include the ground plane in some form when displaying the full figure. Here it's just an uncomplicated straight line on the left. 

One thing I love about these quick studies is that even though they are short in terms of the time spent in completing them; there is a good solid two and a half decades worth of study and effort behind every decision. Even the mistakes. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Charcoal Figure Study

Charcoal Figure Study
24" X 36"
Charcoal on Paper

This 15 min. sketch is part of a daily routine I have for drawing the figure at least once a day. These can sometimes be the most enjoyable thing I do all day as there are no stakes involved. It's a great way to experiment and create something just for the joy of it. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Werner Herzog Sketch

Werner Herzog Sketch
24" X 36"
Charcoal on Paper

I sketched this 40 min. portrait as part of a study for a planned painting of Werner Herzog. He is a truly remarkable director and individual, and he makes for a great subject. There is a kind of depth to his gaze which is difficult to deny. His visage seems well suited to be carved into a mountainside at a scale beyond heroic.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Untitled #291

Untitled #291
24" X 36"
Charcoal on Paper

I drew the model Val Benavides' head in this 20 min. life drawing way over size. Typically I like to draw the model's head at life size when drawing or painting a portrait. Although, sometimes it's just plain fun to draw something huge and ambitious within a short amount of time. You really just kind of have to let go. No underdrawing, no planning, just put it down. Almost every passage in this drawing is comprised of minimal definition as there was no time to belabor anything.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Untitled #246

Untitled #246
24" X 36"
Charcoal on Paper

This was a 40 minute pose from life at a nearby workshop in Palm Desert, CA. I'm often drawn to working more in line than masses when it comes to using charcoal as a medium. The dark broad lines are a breeze to execute with the side of a well formed edge. Also, there is a primitive beauty to working with a simple piece of charred wood. It feels timeless really, as it has been a tool of choice in art for literally thousands of years.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Desert Landscape Study

Desert Landscape Study
24" X 36"
Charcoal on Paper

This work is similar to a cactus study that I posted earlier in the month. Here again I have used directionally focused stroke patterns to build unison across multiple forms in the composition. I've experimented with this approach over the years and continue to return to it on occasion. There is a kind of dynamism to it that is continuously attractive for me.