Friday, October 2, 2020

The Library Of Emotions—YouTube Channel

I recently stumbled upon a video project posted to YouTube by the channel The Library Of Emotions, and It made me think a lot about my last post and the modern trend of omitting faces of strangers in design and art.

Many of the videos posted to the channel are simple long shots of strangers just staring into the camera with a thematic phrase used to tie them together. Along with some beautiful and subdued background music created by the filmmaker behind the series—Yuliku. Even after just watching a few short minutes—it's difficult not to feel some type of emotional connection with the people being filmed. Sometimes powerfully so. It makes me wonder—if people who despise one another were just forced to sit down and look into the eyes of the "other" in silence for prolonged periods—the world might be a better place. However meagerly so. And if there is one important lesson drawing and painting from life has taught me, it's just how profound an experience this can truly be. To stare and deeply see someone—you don't even really know oftentimes—for hours on end.